Monday, September 1, 2014

"Super" patched jeans

So like most little boys, mine have an uncanny ability to wear holes in the jeans in nothing flat!  Its not time to buy a new size of jeans yet, so I was looking for a decent way to patch them that looked a little better than the cheapo iron on variety.  I took a pair of my husband's old jeans that were way too far gone to be repaired and cut out a patch the same size for each knee of my son's jeans.  Then, I used a Sharpie marker to draw some "super" cool images on the knees.  I used my sewing machine's satin stitch to attach the patches.  This was quite difficult because of the size of the jeans, but I made it work.  I did not use any iron on adhesive at all.  We'll see how well they wear.